My Father’s Father Part 9 – The Lost Boy

Russell from the movie Up said it best. “Sometimes it’s the boring parts I miss the most.” I remember being lost only once, in a store, distracted by the toy aisle. I can’t remember with certainty if I panicked or if I stood frozen, waiting for Mom. I remember the cold light, the tall shelves, […]

My Father’s Father Part 8 – One More Time With Feeling

I’m wondering if this rabbit hole was too deep. My head whipped about like a windsock in a stiff breeze as I experienced it realtime. The thoughts came jumbled and in floods, often times needing weeks to put down. In my mind the narrative never unfolded sequentially and that’s why you’ve been tasked with following my tale […]

My Father’s Father Part 6 – Raising the Dead

Wakin’ Bakin’, a delicious eclectic breakfast eatery near Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans, treated us like locals and gave us a supremely satisfying breakfast of burritos, potatoes, pastries and biscuits. It’s the kind of place where the staff all have tattoos and the serving ware consists of mismatched plates and cups. Located in an old […]

My Father’s Father Part 5 – The Not So Big Easy

One night while researching various family trees my brother discovered an Ancestry user with a detailed tree for the Mullers reaching back over 200 years. The tree was like a godsend when our search needed it. This tree even had a twist involving a family with a different name, but clearly still a Muller. While […]

My Father’s Father Part 1 – The Not Knowing

There’s an archetype of sorts in the panoply of southern literature, that of the wandering man, dirty and dark. His thoughts a brooding mixture of childhood atrocity and modern masculine struggle. He thrusts himself into situations with ruthless abandon or withers away in silent anger. He doesn’t have a name, or not one that matters. […]