It’s late May and I’m exhausted. For Memorial Day we set out to visit my father in law for few days. During that visit I hopped over to my hometown and met with my family. I wanted to give them the full story from my lips and take questions. I didn’t know just how much […]
My Father’s Father Part 6 – Raising the Dead
Wakin’ Bakin’, a delicious eclectic breakfast eatery near Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans, treated us like locals and gave us a supremely satisfying breakfast of burritos, potatoes, pastries and biscuits. It’s the kind of place where the staff all have tattoos and the serving ware consists of mismatched plates and cups. Located in an old […]
My Father’s Father Part 5 – The Not So Big Easy
One night while researching various family trees my brother discovered an Ancestry user with a detailed tree for the Mullers reaching back over 200 years. The tree was like a godsend when our search needed it. This tree even had a twist involving a family with a different name, but clearly still a Muller. While […]
My Father’s Father – Introduction
I’m going to tell a story, in real-time. You know the kind where it’s long and meandering, filled with insight and intrigue. Maybe someone learns something about themselves along the way. I’m not sure what I learned about myself but damn if it wasn’t one hell of a ride. You’ll stumble with me into dead-end […]
Hey baby, it’s cold outside!
It’s hard to argue with climate change deniers. I suppose they feel the same with believers, but I’ve found it’s hard to argue with folks who use ironic sound bites to make their point. You know the ones I mean; they respond to a particularly cold day with “where’s that global warming?” As if one […]
Shiny Shiny
It’s Christmas time again, bringing joy and anger to humans all over. Let’s be straight about this up front; I’m a None who loves Christmas. But lately I’ve soured on much of the gift side of Christmas, opting for more restrained spending. In fact, the general rule is to skip me on gifts and spend […]
The Body, The Brain, and the Sucker Punch – Introduction
This series attempted to expose a debilitating disease by detailing its effects on my father. Lewy Body Dementia is a rapidly growing diagnosis as professionals discover that many previous Alzheimer’s designations may have been LBD. In the tradition of George Lucas I may edit and update some posts as we learn more. It only makes […]
The Body, The Brain, and the Sucker Punch – Part IX Counting the Countable
Here are some things I learned. Get in front of your disease ASAP. Don’t waste time in the denial phase. Those wasted weeks might be the good ones when you look back. You may not want to admit you or your loved one has this terrible disease, but keeping track of symptoms might prove life […]
The Body, The Brain, and the Sucker Punch Part X – The Wild Geese Are Calling
Stand with me on Man’s old planet, gazing north when sky has darkened; follow down the Dipper’s handle, half again and veering leftward. Do you see it? Can you sense it? Nothing there but cold and darkness. Try again with both eyes covered, try once more with inner vision, hearken now to wild geese honking, […]
The Body, The Brain, and the Sucker Punch Part VIII – The Spin Cycle
My father moved into his last home on a Wednesday morning while my brother and I filled out forms. Filling out forms, a necessary evil no doubt, consumes the greater part of the time you spend in a medical facility I think. Worries over the mark of the beast aside, it’d be nice if we […]