The Body, the Brain, and the Sucker Punch – Part IV The Revolution will be Televised

As my father’s health began to change in the summer of 2013, I admit we didn’t see the full magnitude. Disturbed sleeping patterns were hard for me to discern since I spent only one day a week with him sleeping in my home. I might hear him cry out once or twice. He might rise […]

The Body, the Brain, and the Sucker Punch – Part III There’s a Storm Coming

Understanding Lewy Body Dementia takes a few readings. I’ve met two types of people with regard to this disease; those who know exactly what it is and those who have no clue. Everyone knows what a heart attack is, even if they don’t know someone who’s had one. But this one is different. It sounds […]

The Body, the Brain, and the Sucker Punch – Part II The Autumn of our Discontent

My father moved in with my brother Labor Day weekend of 2010. Snapper and I drove the 400 miles in a van to load his possessions. While it was kind of sad to think, we knew this was a momentous event. More than likely this would be the last time either of us visited the […]

The Body, the Brain, and the Sucker Punch – Part I: In The Beginning

My father is dying. Slowly. As he lies in his bed at hospice I sit here in comfort in my office wondering how in the hell I’m going to process this in some way to make it digestible. It’s a nebulous thought, still detached from my reality like the trip one plans to take in […]

Let the river flow – or the Vulcan Buddhist

I think of myself as the Vulcan Buddhist. Vulcans aren’t emotionless as much as they’re super control freaks. Recognizing the volatile nature of emotion, they chose to place emotion in the back seat and mutually agreed to get along for the better of Vulcan. Emotion is therefore controlled and in most cases suppressed. A Buddhist […]